Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ
Copyright and Fair Use Considerations

Version 1.04 (08-Oct-05)

Copyright © 1994-2009
Filip M. Gieszczykiewicz
Samuel M. Goldwasser
--- All Rights Reserved ---

For contact info, please see the Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Email Links Page.

Table of Contents

Site Mission

Material present on this Web site (the "FAQs") may include the Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ, Silicon Sam's Technology Resource, Sam's Laser FAQ, as well as other material created by Filip Gieszczykiewicz or Samuel M. Goldwasser. These documents and their associated graphics have been developed over many years to provide a widely available and free resource for non-commercial use by the Internet community. We are Not for Profit. As a result, the FAQs are protected by USA Copyright law to ensure that they remain free for fair use.

Use of any material from the FAQs in any way, shape, or form without attribution is strictly prohibited no matter what the intent, even if free. And not to put too fine a point on it in case this isn't obvious: This means that it is totally illegal to incorporate *any* FAQ material in a product or service (or advertising or promotional material for a product or service) that is sold for profit without prior authorization - period. In addition, placing FAQ material on a page with sponsored links as with the Google AdSense program, or for use as a means of attracting visitors to your Web site to boost traffic and advertising revenue is also forbidden. Violation of any of these principles will not be tolerated and legal action will be considered if a friendly reminder is not adequate to correct the transgression.

Please note that translations of the FAQs are copyright by the original author and the translation author(s) but they retain the original mission. Material from others is in addition, copyright by the contributing authors.

Fair Use Guidelines

The following should be reasonably clear. However, if there are any questions, please contact the appropriate copyright holder(s) via the Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Email Links Page.


Where an entire document or except is copied to another Web site, note the following requirements/restrictions:


  • Back to Copyright Table of Contents.

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