Step 1: Go to
Step 2: In the search box at the upper right, type in: infrared emitter and then click "Go".
Step 3: Click "In Stock" and then click Optoelectronics - Infrared Emitters.
Step 4: Click the "In Stock" boxes above and below the table of search parameters. (The lower one is above "Apply Filters".) Next, scroll to the right and look for the parameter heading "Mounting Type". Click "Through Hole". After that, click "Apply Filters".
Step 5: In the "Current - DC Forward (If)" parameter, click 100mA. In the "Wavelength" parameter, click "940nm". In the "Orientation" parameter, click "Top View". In the "Packaging" parameter (the one farthest right), click "Bulk". Next, click "Apply Filters".
Step 6: In the "Radiant Intensity" parameter, click "6.5mW/sr @ 20mA". Then, hold down a Shift key, scroll down to "160mW/sr @ 100mA" and click that. This selects that range. Next, use this technique to select the range of manufacturers alphabetically from Everlight to Osram. Then, click "Apply Filters".
At this point, the number of IR LEDs is narrowed to 13 items. They will range from 10 to 60 degrees in beam width. 12 of them will be 5mm / "T1-3/4" types, and one of them will be a 3mm / "T1" type.
Three manufacturers will be shown. The mW/sr figures are typical figures for the Everlight and Lumex ones, and minimum figures for the Osram ones.
At half power or more, at least some of these LEDs are slightly visible to some persons in dark conditions. Osram cautions that some of these LEDs may not be safe to stare into. I have found the 2 Osram ones in this list of 13 to be visible in a dark room at 20 mA, likley mostly due to their greater output and efficiency, as largely confirmed by infrared sensing cameras.
Please be aware that the Osram ones here, in my experience, have "reverse
convention" of the longer lead being negative (cathode). However, in my
experience, they have "normal convention" of a flat spot on their flanges
being cathode (negative).
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