<==== Sam's Laser FAQ ====>

Expanded Table of Contents
HTML, Photos, Diagrams, Schematics
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- This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning.
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This Expanded Table of Contents (ToC) provides links to all of the files and
major entry points of Sam's Laser FAQ (Official overly long
name: Sam's Laser FAQ - Safety,
Info, Links, Parts, Types, Drive, Construction - A Practical Guide to Lasers
for Experimenters and Hobbyists). This page may be used in place of the normal
ToC, to identify those graphics files which are part of any given chapter, or
simply as a means of just looking at the pretty pictures. :-)
Note 1: There are *zillions* of additional diagrams and schematics included
within the HTML files themselves. Those that are listed here are only the
ones that are in .pdf, .gif, .jpg, or other graphics or compressed format.
Note 2: The links below open up a single new browser window
so the Expanded Table of Contents will remain present, sort of like flexible
frames. Comments, pro or con, welcome.
Note 3: Links to ZIP files with the latest version of the complete
Sam's Laser FAQ may be found in Home and Mirror
Site Locations.
Sam's Laser FAQ Expanded Table of Contents
Mirror Site Info, Local Installation, Expanded ToC
The Most Important Document - Must Read
Welcome Page, Main ToC, Preface, Introduction
PART I - Basics, Safety, General Information, Instruments, Applications,
- What is a Laser and How Does It Work (laserfaq.htm).
- Laser Safety (lasersaf.htm).
- Class I Caution Label - Enclosed Laser (Invisible
Wavelength) (cl1inv1.gif).
- Class I Caution Label - Enclosed Laser (Visible
Wavelength) (cl1vis1.gif).
- Class II Caution Label - Diode Laser, 1 mW Maximum
Output at 635-670 nm (cl2dio1.gif).
- Class II Caution Label - Helium-Neon Laser, 1 mW Maximum Output at 632.8 nm (cl2hen1.gif).
- Class IIIa Danger Label - Diode Laser, 5 mW Maximum Output at 670 nm (cl3adio1.gif).
- Class IIIa Danger Label - Helium-Neon Laser, 5 mW Maximum Output at 632.8 nm (cl3ahen1.gif).
- Class IIIb Danger Label - Helium-Neon Laser, 25 mW Maximum Output at 632.8 nm (cl3bhen1.gif).
- Class IIIb Danger Label - Argon Ion Laser, 50 mW Maximum Output at 488 nm (cl3barg1.gif).
- Class IIIb Danger Label - Argon Ion Laser, 100 mW Maximum Output at 455-529 nm (multiline) (cl3barg2.gif).
- Class IIIb Danger Label - Diode Laser, 50 mW Maximum Output at 670 nm (cl3bdio1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser, 50 mJ Maximum Output at 1064 nm, 5 mJ Maximum Output at 532 nm (cl4yag2.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Carbon Dioxide Laser, 100 W Maximum Output at 10.6 um (CW) (cl4co21.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Carbon Dioxide Laser, 1200 W (CW); 1.2 J, 100 us (Pulsed) Maximum Output at 10.6 µm (cl4co22.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Diode Laser, 5 W Maximum Output at 780-980 nm (cl4dio1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - DPSS Laser, 1 W Maximum Output at 532 nm (cl4dio1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Excimer Laser, 1 J, 100 PPS Maximum Output at 157-351 nm (cl4exc1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Krypton Ion Laser, 10 W Maximum Output at 530-647 nm (multiline) (cl4kry1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Nd:YAG Laser, 5 J, 20 PPS Maximum Output at 1064 nm (cl4yag1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Nd:YAG Laser, 5 J, 20 PPS Maximum Output at 1064 nm (cl4yag1.gif).
- Laser Aperture Caution Label (apert1.gif).
- High Voltage Danger Label - 15,000 VAC
- High Voltage Danger Label - 25,000 VDC
- High Voltage Danger Label - 35 J Maximum at 1,000 VDC (hv35e1.gif).
- Items of Interest (laserioi.htm).
- Laser Instruments and Applications
- Laser Experiments and Projects (laserexp.htm).
PART II - Print/Web Laser and Optics Resources, Laser and Parts Suppliers,
PART III - Lasers Based on Commercial Components - Diode, HeNe, Ion, CO2,
HeCd, SS
- Diode Lasers (laserdio.htm).
- Diode Laser Power Supplies (laserdps.htm).
- Helium Neon Lasers (laserhen.htm).
- Bright Line Spectra of Helium and Neon
- Helium-Neon Excitation and Lasing
Process (heneel1.gif).
- Longitudinal Modes of Typical Random Polarized 1 mW HeNe Laser (henemd1.gif).
- Longitudinal Modes of Typical Random Polarized 3 mW HeNe Laser (henemd3.gif).
- Longitudinal Modes of Typical Random Polarized 8 mW HeNe Laser (henemd8.gif).
- Longitudinal Modes of Typical Random Polarized 20 mW HeNe Laser (henemd20.gif).
- HeNe Laser Mode Sweep (henems1.ppt).
- Mode Sweep of 8 mW Random Polarized HeNe Laser (henema8.gif).
- Intracavity Etalon for Line Selection in a Single Mode HeNe Laser (heneeta1.gif).
- Typical HeNe Laser Output Power Versus Time
During Warmup (heneopw1.gif).
- HeNe Laser Output Power Fluctuation During Warmup (henepv1.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-007 HeNe Laser Tube
During Warmup (lhr007m1.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-007 HeNe Laser Tube
During Warmup (Polarized) (lhr007m2.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-640 HeNe Laser Tube
During Warmup (lhr640m1.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-640 HeNe Laser Tube
During Warmup (Polarized) (lhr640m2.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHP-131 HeNe Laser Head
During Warmup (lhp131m1.gif).
- Plot of Spectra-Physics 088 HeNe Laser Tube During Warmup (sp088m1.gif).
- Plot of Spectra-Physics 088 HeNe Laser Tube During Warmup (Detail) (sp088m2.gif).
- Plot of Siemens LGR-7641 HeNe Laser Tube With Waste Beam Power Variation During Warmup (Uncorrected) (si7641m1.gif).
- Plot of Siemens LGR-7641 HeNe Laser Tube With Variable Waste Beam Power During Warmup (Corrected) (si7641m2.gif).
- Plot of Uniphase 098 HeNe Laser Tube With Waste Beam Power Variation During Warmup (Bare, Uncorrected) (up098m1.gif).
- Plot of Uniphase 098 HeNe Laser Tube With Waste Beam Power Variation During Warmup (Insulated, Uncorrected) (up098m2.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-006 HeNe Laser Tube #1 With Waste Beam Power Variation During Warmup (Insulated, Uncorrected) (lhr006m1.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-006 HeNe Laser Tube #2 With Waste Beam Power Variation During Warmup (Insulated, Uncorrected) (lhr006m2.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-006 HeNe Laser Tube #3 With Waste Beam Power Variation During Warmup (Insulated, Uncorrected) (lhr006m3.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-006 HeNe Laser Tube With Minimal Waste Beam Power Variation During Warmup (Insulated, Uncorrected) (lhr006m4.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-006 HeNe Laser Tube With Moderate Waste Beam Power Variation During Warmup Dut to Messed Up OC AR Coating (Insulated, Uncorrected) (lhr006m5.gif). due
- Plot of Uniphase 1007 HeNe Laser Tube With Minimal Waste Beam Power Variation During Warmup (Insulated, Uncorrected) (up1007m1.gif).
- Plot of Uniphase 1007 HeNe Laser Tube With Large Waste Beam Power Variation During Warmup (Insulated, Uncorrected) (up1007m2.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-151 HeNe Laser Head
During Warmup (lhr151m1.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LHR-151 HeNe Laser Head
During Warmup (Polarized) (lhr151m2.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LYR-173 HeNe Laser Head
During Warmup (lyr173m1.gif).
- Plot of Melles Griot 05-LYR-173 HeNe Laser Head
During Warmup (Polarized) (lyr173m3.gif).
- Plot of Variable Melles Griot 05-LYR-171 HeNe
Laser Head During Warmup (lyr171m1.gif).
- Plot of Variable Melles Griot 05-LYR-171 HeNe
Laser Head During Warmup (Polarized)(lyr171m3.gif).
- Plot of Coherent Model 200 Stabilized HeNe Laser
Head During Warmup (coh200m1.gif).
- Plot of Coherent Model 200 Stabilized HeNe Laser
Head Near End of Warmup (coh200m2.gif).
- Plot of Hewlett Packard Model 5517C Stabilized
Laser During Warmup (hp5517m1.gif).
- Plot of Hewlett Packard Model 5517C Stabilized Laser Near End of Warmup (hp5517m2.gif).
- Plot of "Flipper" Aerotech OEM1R HeNe Laser Head
During Warmup (oem1rfm1.gif).
- Plot of "Flipper" Aerotech OEM1R HeNe Laser Head
During First Part of Warmup (oem1rfm2.gif).
- Plot of "Flipper" Aerotech OEM1R HeNe Laser Head
During First Part of Warmup (Combined) (oem1rfm3.gif).
- Plot of "Flipper" Aerotech OEM1R HeNe Laser Head
at Transition to Normal Behavior (Combined) (oem1rfm4.gif).
- Plot of "Flipper" Aerotech OEM1R HeNe Laser Head
with Various Magnetic Fields Applied (Combined) (oem1rfm5.gif).
- Plot of "Flipper" Aerotech OEM1R HeNe Laser
Head with Magnetic Field Induced Somewhat Normal Behavior (Combined) (oem1rfm6.gif).
- Typical HeNe Laser Tube Structure and
Connections (tubehene.gif).
- Typical HeNe Laser Head (Melles Griot)
- Spectra-Physics Model 117 OEM Stabilized HeNe Laser Assembly. (sp117o1.jpg).
- Iodine Stabilized HeNe Laser Resonator - Overall View. This is a rather massive metal structure about 18 inches long.
- Iodine Stabilized HeNe Laser Resonator - Visible Portion of Two-Brewster HeNe Laser Tube. (ishlr1t1.jpg).
- Iodine Stabilized HeNe Laser Resonator - Iodine Cell (ishlr1i1.jpg)
- Iodine Absorption Cell Showing Fluorescence From Green HeNe Laser Beam (iac543a.jpg).
- Iodine Stabilized HeNe Laser Resonator - Photodiode and Beam Sampler (ishlr1p1.jpg).
- Typical Small to Medium Size Melles Griot HeNe
Laser Tubes (tube1hen.jpg).
- Hughes Style HeNe Laser Tube (hachene1.gif).
- Hughes 3227-HPC HeNe Laser Tube (hachene2.jpg).
- NEC Style HeNe Laser Tube (nechene1.gif).
- Uniphase 098-1 HeNe Laser Tube (up098-1.jpg).
- Siemens LGR-7641S HeNe Laser Tube (si7641s.jpg).
- Uniphase HeNe Laser Tube with External Lens
- Spectra-Physics Model 084-1 HeNe Laser Tube
- HeNe Laser Tube with Two Brewster Windows Mounted
in Home-Built Resonator (twobrew1.gif).
- HeNe Laser Tube with Internal HR and Brewster
Window with External OC (onebrew1.gif).
- CLIMET 9048 One-Brewster HeNe Laser Head
- Climet Particle Counter Assembly - Front
- Climet Particle Counter Assembly - Rear
- Sam's External Mirror Laser Using One-Brewster HeNe
Laser Head (oblaser1.jpg).
- Effects of Wedge on Ghost Beams and Normal
Reflections (wedge.gif).
- 05-LYR-170 HeNe Laser Tube Mounted in Test Fixture
for Multiline Experiments (mlhene1.gif).
- Appearance of HeNe Laser Mirrors
- Melles Griot Style One-Brewster HeNe Laser Tube
Mounted in Test Fixture (onebrew2.gif).
- Hughes Style One-Brewster HeNe Laser Tube Mounted
in Test Fixture (onebrew3.gif).
- Littrow Prism Tuning Assembly from PMS Tunable
HeNe Laser (pmstune1.jpg).
- Bar Code Scanner HeNe Tube and Power Supply
- Small Melles Griot HeNe Tube (ici1mgt.gif).
- ICI1PS HeNe Laser Power Supply Top View
- Sam's Demo HeNe Laser (demolas1.jpg).
- Helium-Neon Laser Tube with Segmented Bore
- Jodon HeNe Laser Head (headjodn.gif).
- Aerotech LS4P HeNe Laser Tube (atls4pp1.jpg).
- Three HeNe Tubes of a Different Color
Side-by-Side (ochnt-1.jpg).
- Hughes Model 3184H HeNe Laser Head
- View Inside Hughes Model 3184H HeNe Laser Head
- Hughes Model 3184H HeNe Laser Head
Construction (hu3184h1.gif).
- PMS/REO ULPC-3001 Particle Counter HeNe Laser Assembly (pmsulpc1.jpg).
- Ohmeda Raman Gas Analyzer Assembly (ohmeda1.jpg).
- REO LS27 Particle Counter HeNe Laser Assembly (reols27a.jpg).
- Commerical HeNe Lasers (laserhcl.htm).
- HeNe Laser Testing, Adjustment, Repair
- HeNe Laser Power Supplies (laserhps.htm).
- HeNe Laser Power Supply Design (laserhpd.htm).
- Complete HeNe Laser Power Supply Schematics
- Argon/Krypton Ion Lasers (laserarg.htm).
- Ar/Kr Ion Laser Testing, Maintenance, Repair
- Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supplies (laseraps.htm).
- Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Design
- Complete Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Schematics (laserasc.htm).
- Carbon Dioxide Lasers (laserco2.htm).
- Helium-Cadmium Lasers (laserhec.htm).
- Solid State Lasers (laserssl.htm).
- Commercial SS Lasers (laserscl.htm).
- SS Laser Testing, Adjustment, Repair
- Solid State Laser Power Supplies (lasersps.htm).
- Complete Solid State Laser Power Schematics
PART IV - Lasers Constructed from Basic Materials, Hardware, Optics, and
Electronic Parts
Warning Signs and Essential and Optional Icons :-)
Laser Equipment Gallery
- Go to Sam's Laser FAQ Welcome Page.
- Go to Sam's Laser FAQ Main Table of Contents.