Organic LEDs, Polymer LEDs

Birthtime of this web page is late at night 4/29/2001. UPDATED 7/16/2003, minor update 11/4/2024.

This page is what I have to say about organic LEDs (OLEDs) and polymer LEDs (PLEDs).

These things are supposed to be a new and improved way to get flat-screen TV sets and computer monitors, as opposed to backlit LCD (liquid crystal display) devices and old fashioned CRTs (picture tubes).

It is somewhat commonly believed that OLEDs and PLEDs are not just yet about to make inroads in the area of indicator lamps, flashlights, nor most other applications of "conventional" semiconductor LEDs as of 2003.

UPDATE 11/4/2024: OLEDs have had a little use in display screens, and I have yet to hear much stuff about PLEDs after 2003. If you want to try your own researching/web-searching, an additional term or term combination to consider is "DC electroluminescence".

Some news:

Universal Displays homepage.

Universal Displays page on organic LED technologies.

Back up to my LED Top Page.

Written by Don Klipstein.

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